Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I've been tagged!!!!!!

My friend Sadie tagged me, well here it is:

8 things I'm passionate about:

1. The Gospel
2. My family
3. Playing with my friends
4. Playing on the computer
5. Having sleepovers
6. Talking
7. Taking pictures
8. Being happy

8 phrases or words I always use:

1. Kolbie be quiet!!
2. Can I go out and play?
3. Oh My Gosh!
4. DA!!! Thats stupid!!
5. Can I go on the computer??
6. Chris, go away
7. Harley come here boy!!!
8. Dad what are you doing?

8 things I want to do before I die:

1. Go to disneyland everyday of my life
2. Be a USA softball pitcher
3. Go to collage
4. Meet Taylor Swift
5. Achive my goals 20 times
6. Stay in touch with my friends when I am 35 years old
7. Become a teacher
8. Have a beautiful family when I am older

8 things I've learned in the past:

1. To be nice to my sister
2. To hit a softball
3. That I can achive my goals if I try hard
4. To make a lot of friends
5. How to read
6. How to use the computer
7.How to blog
8. How to clean my room

8 things I want/ need:

1. New shoes
2.New clothes from Aeropostal
3. My own room
4. Straight A's
5. Sims 3 and Sims 2
6. A HUGE house
7. A walk-in closet
8. Harley (my dog)

8 places I want to see:

1. The Empire State building
2. Hawaii
3. USA softball feild
4. China
5. The Ifal Tower
6. 6 Flags
7. The Jonas Brothers House
8. The Hawian temple

8 people I want to tag:

1. Kolbie
2. Chris
3. Mom
4. Carly
5. Brook
6. Aly
7. Annie
8. My Dad


Aly said...

Way cute post Kate! It was fun learning all of those new things about you!

Annie and I did that same tag not too long ago, but thanks for thinking of us:)...infact I think Annie tagged you when she did hers.

Sadie said...

Hi kate.
you copied some of my answers.haha
it's ok though. It was so fun reading your tag. You are hilarious!!!

Katie said...

I know I did but I was reading yours and I said to myself," Sadie and I have so much in common!!!"

Sadie said...

kate i forgot to tell you i was up till 11:00 last night just looking at other peoples blogs. haha!

B-bop said...

Kate I have dun it befor! Kate...!